Dear BronxNet Producer,

Please note, BronxNet facilities at Lehman College will be closed this Friday July 14th as Lehman College shuts down the electricity in Carman Hall to perform maintenance. BronxNet will return to normal business hours on Saturday July 15th. Regularly scheduled programming will be pre-empted late morning / early afternoon as a result of this maintenance.

Other Reminders:

All programming applications and pilot episodes for the 9/3-10/31 season are due by August 8, 2017 and can be submitted electronically. Please contact for more information. The programming season dates have been slightly changed so that they better align with our training courses. This will allow newly certified access producers to potentially get on the air at the beginning of a season instead of the middle. As a result, the next season will be shortened and will only last about 8 weeks. It will begin on September 3, 2017 and end on October 31, 2017.

If you currently have a show on the air, please be advised that an AP Show Submission form must be submitted online for every single episode. The AP Show Submission form is available here. After completing the form, you are automatically redirected to Synology (BronxNet FTP website). You can then upload your episode to your Synology show folder. Please make sure the file is named according to the new file naming format (ShowName-AirDate; for example: Diamante-7-28-17). All episodes must be submitted 5 days prior to air and be exactly 29:00 or 59:00 minutes in length. If you do not submit a new episode for three consecutive weeks, your series is subject to cancellation.

Warmest regards,

Bernardo Moronta
Traffic Manager

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